MTN ICT and Business Skills Training Call for Applications (N90 Million Grant for 300 Participants)

A youth development program called MTN ICT and Business Skills Training aims to give young entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35 the tech-enabled skills they need to keep their small enterprises competitive and relevant.
A 5-week online program will be used to give the training, and it will feature Masterclasses from important business leaders.
Data will be provided to participants during the session to support a seamless learning experience. The top 300 competitors will also get an equipment grant totaling N90,000,000 in support! You did read that correctly.
Five phases of the ICT and Business Skills Training have been executed in 16 states since 2018 in collaboration with some of our ecosystem partners, including Oracle, KPMG, IBM, Digital Bridge Institute, CISCO, Google, Meta, and Microsoft.
Abia, Adamawa, Akwa-Ibom, Anambra, Borno, Cross River, Imo, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Lagos, Nasarawa, Oyo, and Rivers are among them. 4,036 young people have finished this program thus far.
3000 youngsters will take part in the ICT and business skills training that will be carried out in conjunction with Microsoft and Meta during this sixth phase. It promises to be educational because:
Participants will receive instruction from Microsoft on topics like digital entrepreneurship, ICT for business success, and their new generative AI skills.
Through its Meta Boost Small Business Studios, Meta will provide training to participants on how to create brands and grow businesses online.