Top risks, causes of loss and growth drivers for the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) sector

Top risks, causes of loss and growth drivers for the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) sector

Few industries are moving faster than TMT. It is at the very heart of global innovation, driving technological, societal, and economic progress. One notable opportunity in the technology, media, and telecommunications (TMT) industry is the rapid growth of 5G technology and its applications across various sectors. With its promise of ultra-fast speeds, low latency, and…

How Resilience-Based Ecosystems Help Entrepreneurs Manage Change

How Resilience-Based Ecosystems Help Entrepreneurs Manage Change

If a company is structured like a rainforest ecosystem, it will already have the internal resilience to handle unanticipated circumstances, such as the CEO and the rest of the C-suite being fired by the board of directors. That is precisely what happened at one of my former employers, where the board of a medical clinic…

How small businesses can develop a technology strategy that leverages AI

How small businesses can develop a technology strategy that leverages AI

Many small business owners are still attempting to implement an artificial intelligence (AI) strategy in an effort to boost automation, increase efficiency, and encourage creativity among their staff members. It’s evident, therefore, that if these organizations don’t maximize AI’s potential, they run the risk of falling behind. Analysts predict that small enterprises will shortly realize…

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work: Opportunities for Africa

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work: Opportunities for Africa

Since the environment for applications is still developing and large language learning models (LLMs) are still in their infancy, Africa offers a unique opportunity to shape the future of work. As per the whitepaper on AI and the Future of Work in Africa, which was created by Microsoft in collaboration with a group of industry…

How AI Can Accelerate Your Business Productivity and Growth
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How AI Can Accelerate Your Business Productivity and Growth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool that significantly contributes to the growth and success of any business. In today’s highly competitive business landscape, leveraging AI can be a game-changer for businesses to fuel their productivity and growth. There are AI-powered tools that are useful for a variety of applications in business for performance…

AfriLabs and the Korea-Africa Foundation have formed a strategic alliance to promote innovation in Africa.

AfriLabs and the Korea-Africa Foundation have formed a strategic alliance to promote innovation in Africa.

AfriLabs, an African hubs network, and the Korea-Africa Foundation have inked a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for a strategic cooperation that aims to propel innovation and economic growth throughout the continent. AfriLabs is a network organization that brings together investors, startups, technology hubs, and other important players in the ecosystem with the goal of promoting…

AI PCs Enter the Mainstream Market

AI PCs Enter the Mainstream Market

Tuesday saw the release of a new range of PCs designed specifically to run artificial intelligence applications, as tech companies work to promote the broader use of AI similar to ChatGPT. Microsoft unveiled its AI-powered personal PCs in May. These machines will run the Copilot Plus brand of software developed by the business. The goal…

How to Develop Your Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Maintain It Long After Your Startup Is Successful

How to Develop Your Spirit of Entrepreneurship and Maintain It Long After Your Startup Is Successful

Risk-taking, those large bets made early on as startups to differentiate themselves from the competition, is the foundation of all prosperous organizations. After they are established, businesses usually strive to capitalize on their newfound size while maintaining this spirit of entrepreneurship. The issue is that risk aversion frequently accompanies progress. Even though many big businesses…

How To Foster Economic Sustainability Through Nigeria’s Informal Sector

How To Foster Economic Sustainability Through Nigeria’s Informal Sector

Nigeria’s economy has not always been without its own fair share of challenges, despite the efforts of emerging entrepreneurs. The economy has had milestones that were usually short-lived due to change in government policies. Maintaining a suitable economy for all Nigerians cannot be far-fetched. Every citizen needs a thriving economy that that sets the pace…

Developing A Growth Mindset: Techniques For Advancement Both Personally And Professionally

Developing A Growth Mindset: Techniques For Advancement Both Personally And Professionally

People who are successful have long been regarded as geniuses destined to become inspiring leaders. Yet, the truth is that a growth mentality frequently goes hand in hand with a successful life and profession. These champions merely adopted an ongoing learning process driven by self-discipline, tenacity, and self-motivation to elevate the ordinary to the remarkable….

How to Maintain Your Small Business’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

How to Maintain Your Small Business’s Entrepreneurial Spirit

Establishing a small business is difficult. It requires commitment, ardor, and most importantly, an entrepreneurial mindset. Small business owners frequently have an entrepreneurial spirit that propels them to start something from the ground up. But after the company is up and running, it’s simple to become bogged down in the daily grind and lose sight…

Leveraging on Intellectual Property for Business Growth

Leveraging on Intellectual Property for Business Growth

In a fast paced business world, intellectual property is the foundation of every business. It forms the integral part of a business and so the lack of understanding of its significance may lead to a business catastrophe. What is intellectual property? Intellectual property is the original creative tools developed by a business. They are mostly intangible assets…

Junior-operator training program has been launched by African Venture Capital firm Secha Capital.

Junior-operator training program has been launched by African Venture Capital firm Secha Capital.

Secha Capital, an impact firm focused on African development capital, has introduced the Junior Operator-Investor Network (JOIN) training program. The program’s goal is to develop the next generation of business management, operations, and investment professionals. Secha Capital is an impact investment firm formed by women and people of color in Southern Africa. It uses an…

I wish I had known these four things before starting my own business.

I wish I had known these four things before starting my own business.

To put it mildly, starting a business is labor intensive. I’m here to share with you the four lessons that I wish someone had taught me before I went it alone. Regardless of your talent or motivation, launching a business is difficult, demanding work. I ended my twenty-one-year job in finance in 2021 and went…

Developing Confident Humility: The Secret To Successful Startups

Developing Confident Humility: The Secret To Successful Startups

Not everyone has the aptitude to run their own business. It requires a specific type of person—one who possesses both under and overconfidence. You should have faith in your skills, but not to the point where you underprepare or fail to see mistakes coming. According to Martin Gonzalez and Josh Yellin, the authors of The…

Unlocking High-Performance Teams and Organizations: The Power of the 5Cs

Unlocking High-Performance Teams and Organizations: The Power of the 5Cs

In a typical business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to innovate, adapt, and stay ahead of the curve. One key factor in achieving success is the ability to create high-performance teams that can drive innovation, growth, and excellence. But what makes these teams tick? And how can organizations develop the capacity to support them?…

What we can learn from Africa’s small business success stories

What we can learn from Africa’s small business success stories

Africa is often hailed as the birthplace of some of the world’s most exciting tech startups. From Cape to Cairo, small businesses across the continent have become catalysts for change, helping to drive economic prosperity and leaving their mark on local society. In fact, it’s predicted that Africa’s digital economy, fueled by hundreds of active tech hubs,…

Empowering Africa’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Technology Adoption

Empowering Africa’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with Technology Adoption

To help increase technology adoption among the continent’s SMEs, the research emphasizes the significance of sharing best practices to enable better decision-making and cost-effectiveness. Nearly 70% of Africa’s small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) have invested in technology in the last year to assist enhance growth and resilience, indicating that SMEs are recognizing technology’s positive impact….

Harnessing Financial Support and Non-Financial Support To Stimulate Innovation in Businesses

Harnessing Financial Support and Non-Financial Support To Stimulate Innovation in Businesses

Financial support is the bedrock of any business. Most businesses must always utilise the benefits of financial support in order to stay afloat. Is there any business that thrives without any financial support? A lot do survive without it, but not for long. Finances pay the business bills and attract valuable products and services for…

Familiarity Isn’t Enough: How Novelty Ignites the Customer Journey in a World of Choice.

Familiarity Isn’t Enough: How Novelty Ignites the Customer Journey in a World of Choice.

The tug-of-war between familiarity and novelty is a constant force in consumer behavior. On one hand, we crave the comfort of the known, the reliable brand or the trusted product. On the other, we’re drawn to the thrill of the new, the innovative experience, the “shiny new toy.” Understanding this dynamic is key for businesses…

How Nigeria’s Dukka supports emerging market commerce

How Nigeria’s Dukka supports emerging market commerce

Nigerian startup Dukka has created a digital environment that supports emerging market commerce by assisting businesses in automating daily operations, accepting payments, and gathering performance data. Dukka, founded in 2020 with a demo app produced during the early phases of the COVID-19 epidemic, offers simple technologies to assist individuals and small businesses better manage their…

Building business resilience: The power of a multi-cloud strategy against cyberthreats

Building business resilience: The power of a multi-cloud strategy against cyberthreats

In the hyper-connected post-pandemic world, we have seen an increase in the number of businesses embracing cloud infrastructure in a race to digitise their operations. According to Flexera’s State of the Cloud 2023 report, 65% of those surveyed were heavy cloud users, compared to 63% in 2022, and business leaders expected cloud spending to increase by…

How Nigerian blockchain company Bingtellar is establishing cross-border payment infrastructure in Africa.

How Nigerian blockchain company Bingtellar is establishing cross-border payment infrastructure in Africa.

Bingtellar, a Nigerian blockchain startup, says it is developing modern cross-border payments infrastructure and solutions for Africa to streamline global transactions for consumers and enterprises. Bingtellar, founded in 2022 by Joshua Tebepina, CEO, and Arepade Peremi, CTO, facilitates fast and affordable cross-border transactions into or across Africa for diaspora, freelancers, remote teams, foreign contractors, and…

How Kenya’s TausiApp uses AI to link freelance beauticians with clients.

How Kenya’s TausiApp uses AI to link freelance beauticians with clients.

An on-demand beauty tech platform called TausiApp, founded in Kenya, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to match clients with independent beauticians. TausiApp is a marketplace that was founded in 2021 by well-known Kenyan musician Amos Kimani. It allows users to quickly select and schedule beauty services, including as makeup application and hair styling, from a network…

AfriLabs launches Connect Deal Room to improve the state of local investment

AfriLabs launches Connect Deal Room to improve the state of local investment

AfriLabs, a support organization for innovation hubs, has introduced the AfriLabs Connect Deal Room (ACDR) to tackle the significant obstacles associated with locating, financing, and gaining access to investable businesses in Africa. AfriLabs is a network organization that brings together investors, startups, technology hubs, and other important players in the ecosystem to promote innovation and…

Microsoft is now valued at $3 trillion, second only to Apple, thanks to AI investments.

Microsoft is now valued at $3 trillion, second only to Apple, thanks to AI investments.

Just behind Apple, Microsoft’s stock market valuation crossed the $3 trillion milestone on Wednesday. This kept Microsoft’s ranking as the second most valuable corporation in the world. Since the beginning of the year, Microsoft and Apple shares have been competing to be the most capitalized stock on Wall Street; earlier in January, the software giant…