The CcHub-led student entrepreneurship program is now accepting applications.

The Uni:novators Startup-in-Residence program, which aims to spur innovation in a few postsecondary institutions in Africa, is now accepting applications.
Disrupt Africa reported In collaboration with the Make-IT in Africa project run by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), CcHub had launched a new co-funded initiative to support innovation within African universities.
CcHub will support 30 student-led startups through the UNI:NNOVATORS Startups-in-Residence Program in Nigeria, Namibia, and Kenya in an effort to boost and hasten the involvement of educational institutions in the developing innovation ecosystem throughout Africa.
It collaborates with the Universities of Lagos and Ibadan in Nigeria. The University of Namibia and Namibia University of Science and Technology are its partners in Namibia, and Riara University and the University of Nairobi are its partners in Kenya.
Following a pitch performance, 18 of these student-led teams that succeed will engage in a knowledge exchange with top experts in their disciplines and have the chance to fly to Germany for hands-on workshops that will strengthen their prototypes. Then, as needed, they will work with industry partners to construct and deploy their MVPs through the use of funding and advisory services.
The program is now accepting applications here.