Bboxx, a New Company Touting “Clean, Affordable Solar Energy” Launches in Nigeria

Bboxx, a future-minded energy utility that claims to be “tackling the global energy poverty crisis,” has officially launched in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation and Bboxx’s largest market to date.
Bboxx is set to provide much-needed energy solutions to Nigeria’s electricity challenges by expanding access to clean, affordable and reliable Solar Home Systems (SHS).
According to a release by the company, by launching in Nigeria Bboxx aims to provide clean energy to 20-million people over 10 years, avoiding more than four million CO2e emissions as a result. The company says that ten thousand jobs will be created, spurring quality local green employment opportunities.
Bboxx Aims to Electrify Rural Nigeria
Over the course of the year, Bboxx will serve rural communities in other states including rural Lagos, Oyo, Ondo, Osun and Ekiti.
“With 45% of Nigerians living without access to electricity, rising to 74% for the rural population, there is a significant opportunity to positively impact the lives of millions through clean energy provision. Supporting rural communities will be a key focus, and Bboxx is targeting small business owners and market traders in particular. SMEs contribute 48% of national GDP, account for 96% of businesses and 84% of employment in Nigeria,” the company says.
The launch of Bboxx Nigeria includes funding from BEAM, an investment platform focused on energy services helping to transform lives in emerging markets. BEAM was set up in 2018 by Bamboo Capital Partners, the pioneering private equity firm delivering positive social and financial value, and Bboxx.
“As the largest economy in Africa, it is hugely important that clean energy access is accelerated in Nigeria,” comments Mansoor Hamayun, CEO and Co-Founder of Bboxx.
“This will positively transform people’s lives, powering inclusive and sustainable economic development. As the climate crisis gathers pace, we recognise that there is still a long way to go before we meet the UN Sustainable Development Goal – clean energy for all.”
“The off-grid clean energy market in Nigeria has significant untapped potential. As we expand our operations in the country, we’re empowering thriving SMEs and communities to unlock economic potential through affordable energy access,” Hamayun adds.
“Scaling access to capital is absolutely fundamental to the success of the off-grid energy sector in Nigeria. By deploying and unlocking greater levels of capital, there’s a huge market opportunity to bring clean energy to the millions of people living without it. We’re looking forward to Bboxx ramping up operations to make an even greater impact on the sustainable development of SMEs,” says Florian Kemmerich, Managing Partner at Bamboo Capital Partners.
Solutions Offered by Bboxx
Bboxx’s Pay-As-You-Go SHS makes energy access much more affordable as people only pay for what they use.
The company says that in the future, it will also seek to launch a wider range of products and services in the country, like LPG clean cooking solutions, solar-powered water pumps for farmers, smartphones and more. Prior to this launch, Bboxx’s SHS products were already available in some parts of Nigeria through its successful collaboration with distribution partner Pan African Solar (PAS).
Bboxx’s systems run on its comprehensive management platform Bboxx Pulse, enabling clean energy access to be scaled to places previously considered too expensive or difficult to reach via traditional grid infrastructure.
According to the company, this model has brought Bboxx’s tech-enabled off-grid energy to two million people globally, with substantial operations in countries including Rwanda, Kenya, Togo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. This latest market entry comes as Bboxx accelerates momentum on entering new markets, having already launched earlier this year in Burkina Faso.