Africa Competitiveness Report 2017

The Africa Competitiveness Report was first published in 1998 and has, since 2007, been a biennial project highlighting areas that require policy action and investment to ensure Africa’s sustained growth. As the result of a longstanding collaboration, the report incorporates the knowledge and expertise of the African Development Bank, the World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum, presenting a joint vision that can inform policies and help Africa transform its economies.
The 2017 edition of The Africa Competitiveness Report comes out at a challenging time for the continent. In recent years,growth in several African countries has been subdued after more than a decade of solid expansion. The slowdown is largely due to the protracted low commodity prices as well as the reduced growth in emerging markets such as China, and in advanced economies. However, this situation has also given impetus to reforms and economic diversification. The strong economic performance of a number of African countries demonstrates Africa’s resilience and brings optimism about Africa’s future growth prospects.