SIMA 2017 Provides Unique Access to African Markets in AgriBusiness

SIMA, the Paris International Agri-Business Show, will take place from 26 February to 2 March 2017 at the Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre (France). This major international trade show will take a look at what farming professions will be like in 10 years’ time through the eyes of manufacturers and start-up companies – and their innovations – as well as via its flagship event: “Innovation First #2: Being a farmer in 10 years’ time”.
According to the organisers,SIMA 2017 will – more than ever before – be focused on finding concrete solutions to the preoccupations currently facing farming. The aim of the whole event is to help farmers develop a sustainable, high-performance type of farming by showcasing an exhaustive offering that will be of interest to all farmers (irrespective of the size of their farms) regardless of the crops they grow – including tropical and specialised crops.
SIMA is well and truly an event for all aspects of agriculture: all continents, all farms (small, medium and large) and all types of farming (sustainable, conventional, organic, integrated, etc.).
Africa has seen significant growth over the last few years, particularly in farming. And the result has been an increased mechanisation of its professions. African countries now need breeding equipment, high performance agricultural equipment and inputs so that they can meet the agro-food requirements of their populations. The result is that SIMA has seen regular increases in the numbers of its visitors from African countries (11% increase in numbers from 37 countries over two editions). These visitors include institutional partners (Ministries of Agriculture, embassy representatives, etc.) and private agricultural operators, as well as key influencers and crop and livestock farmers. To support this growing demand, the show has introduced a visitor promotion programme in 13 African countries.