RepairAm-An Online Service that makes it easy to have your devices repaired at your convenience
The increase in the mobile penetration in Nigeria and the rest of Africa has brought with it several challenges and opportunities for smart minds.One of such is repairing of mobile devices and gadgets in Nigeria.There is huge opportunity in having a good and well organized repair shops where customers can easily and conveniently have their devices replaced or repaired.Interesting this new start-up RepairAm helps you place orders online and get your devices repaired without you having to move all over the place looking for a repair shop.
RepairAm which I believe is one of the first of its kind in Nigeria gives you the ability to make a repair order online for your faulty computers and electronic gadgets. It works in 4 easy steps.
1. Visit, place your order to repair your device
2. Your device is picked up.
3. Track the repair status anytime with your Order ID
4. After repair, your gadget is delivered to you fixed.
According to the founders,what makes RepairAm different is the fact that you get quality service and you would not have to leave the comfort of your home or offices, and your order would be updated accordingly, as you would be able to track the repair status.
This online repair service was developed by NerdBevy Limited and it’s run by Ayobami Onibokun and Demola Odebode.