Celebrating the world’s Youngest Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) Trained at New Horizons, Nigeria

Celebrating the world’s Youngest Microsoft Certified Professionals (MCPs) Trained at New Horizons, Nigeria In the world today, information and communications technology (ICT)has become the driver of world economy, this is because we are in the era of knowledge based, we have passed the industrial age, the Agricultural age and what have you. Frankly speaking the…

Tech Rumblings of an Abian:Why Abia State needs ICT Centres

With the recent economic recession that took the world by surprise and the gradual recovery of economies, several questions begin to come to mind especially as a Nigerian and an Abian in particular. One of such questions is; what is Abia State of Nigeria known for? Where are we politically, socially, economically and even culturally…

Next Level in West Africa’s Cross-border Synergies

An Address by Engr. Titi Omo-Ettu, President, ATCON at the WAFICT Conference/Exhibition in Lagos. We are once again opportune to be part of another session of the WAFICT Exhibition/Conference. The timing is particularly significant given that our industry is experiencing considerable transformation. Change is afoot at the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC; as is the reality…

Globacom’s Vicissitude in Ghana

Our Association’s attention has been drawn to a recent news report that  Globacom – a telecommunications company and Nigeria’s Second National Operator – is contemplating withdrawing its business activities from Ghana for reasons of sabotage and vandalism of its infrastructure and challenges to its investment believed to be perpetrated by some local interests in that…

Facebook: Social Networking or Social Notworking?

Do you know that your employees are using Facebook during the business/working hours even when it is prohibited at your workplace? Facebook has suddenly become a website that people especially the young people cannot do without (Even our President wants to engage the youths on Facebook). Many have argued that Facebook is a major distraction…

The Nigeria Software Challenge-Part 1

The Nigeria Software Challenge-Part 1  Addressing the “Grand Challenge” with a “Grand Strategy”   Why We Need A National Software Strategy/Policy Today, Software is recognized as the “critical national infrastructure” (CNI) within the global critical infrastructure (GCI). It is therefore the new centre of gravity of human life and global economy. Conventional wisdom and new…

The Oracle Speaks….

DR ERNEST NDUKWE, SAM AMUKA, PAT UTOMI, JUBRIL MARTINS-KUYE, BANIGO, JIM OVIA, ABATI, LEO STAN, MADUKA, OKOIGUN FOR UWAJE’s BOOK LAUNCH  The Oracle Speaks, as the long awaited book “e-Knowledge – Time is Running Out” is launched! All roads lead to the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs next week Tuesday, March 30, 2010 to receive…

Scaling New Heights:2009 In Retrospect(A Review of the Telecoms Industry in 2009)

Telecommunications and banking in any economy can be likened to siamese twins. This is because there is a symbiotic, interdependent and self-reinforcing relationship between both sectors as they individually and jointly stimulate as well drive, the economy. So when global telecom players tried to convince us of their immunity, given what we knew was going…

2010: The Future of Internet for Business (i4B) In Nigeria

As 2010 is just around the corner with great opportunities embedded in renewed challenges, financial and business experts all over the world predict a slow recovery for businesses from recession, which means the way business will be done this time will have to change for effective and quick recovery from the economic meltdown For Nigeria,…

Nigeria And The Challenges Of Cyber Crime-Part 4

TECHNICAL, LEGAL, AND OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES   We have entered the Information Age, where information technologies have been integrated into virtually every aspect of business and society.  This integration is posing new challenges for all of us in law enforcement.   Today, there are critical challenges, seeing computers being used for criminal behavior in three major ways.   …

Stopping Cyber Crime

The name Tim Berners-Lee may not ring a bell to the casual internet user neither will the famous quote by one of mankind’s most famous innovators describing the internet “turning point in societal evolution depends not only on the technology but also how we use it.” Furthermore, “the web gives us lots more choices about…

Nigeria And The Challenges Of Cyber Crime-Part 3

   2.2 CATEGORIES OF CYBER THREATS The following are some of the categories of cyber threats that we confront today include, but not limited to: Insiders, Hackers (or “crackers”), “Hacktivism.” Or Political Hacking, Criminal Groups,  The Phonemasters’, Internet Fraud, Foreign intelligence services. Information Warfare, Virus Writers, Internet Fraud, Identity Theft, Child Pornography, Terrorists  Etc.

WITSA Global Public Policy Summit Bermuda 2009

  The“Bermuda Declaration” for the ICT sector ____  “As we are all witnessing the world is going through a revolution driven by IT.  Business, government, education, the media – all are being transformed by the Internet, wireless telephone, access to powerful yet inexpensive computing technology, cable and satellite television, and other elements of the new…

Bermuda Declaration Adopted – A Call To Action For The Global ICT Sector

The Global Public Policy Summit (GPPS) 2009 ended at Fairmont Southampton yesterday and was hailed as a great success by attendees who came to Bermuda from over 25 countries. GPPS 2009, a flagship event of the World Information Technology And Services Alliance (WITSA), focused on business technology as an enabler in world economies and featured…

Nigeria And The Challenges Of Cyber Crime-Part 2

                         1.2    The New Creative Class The New creative class is like the Managerial Class of the 1950s, they are the norm-setting class of the present era – applying and using technology. The growth of the Internet’s now most-infamous component, the World Wide Web, has been even more spectacular. With more than 700 million…

ComBIT Africa 2009 Expo

ComBIT Africa Expo is a product of strategic re-branding of NICOMM Exhibitions & Conferences organised by our Association since 1995. The event has been adjudged the biggest ICT expo in Nigeria and West Africa and is currently attracting ICT trade missions from United Kingdom, United States, Hong Kong, China, India, Israel, Korea, Dubai, Taiwan, Canada,…