Enter for the World Bank and Wharton School Idea for Action Competition

Today’s youth will be responsible for delivering the post-2015 development agenda, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire at the end of 2015. The SDGs will be more ambitious than the MDGs, covering a broad range of interconnected issues, from sustainable economic growth, to social issues, to global public goods. To realize this vision, a just-as-ambitious plan for financing and implementation is needed.Youth engagement throughout the design and implementation process is critical for success.
Ideas for Action is a youth competition on finance for development sponsored by the World Bank Group and the Wharton School.
The Ideas for Action (I4A) competition engages young people around the world to encourage them to develop and share their ideas for financing solutions to deliver the post-2015 development agenda.
To enter for this competition see Eligibility and Registration Guidelines.