How Standard of living in Africa is making Start-Ups Innovate around disposable income

How Standard of living in Africa is making Start-Ups Innovate around disposable income

An organization in its early phase of existence is referred to as a start-up. Entrepreneurs that desire to create a product or service think there is a market for launching start-ups. Because start-ups often have high startup costs and low revenue, founders frequently look for money from a variety of internal and external sources, including personal savings,…

Kenya’s Tulaa Set To Battle 7 Other Start-Ups At World Agri-Tech Innovation Summiit

Kenya’s Tulaa Set To Battle 7 Other Start-Ups At World Agri-Tech Innovation Summiit

Picked from more than 150 international entries, 8 early-stage start-ups are set to battle it out for a $250,000 investment from Radical Growth at the World Agri-Tech Pitch Day and Radicle Challenge. The event, running for its second year, will happen on the 18th of March 2019. The winner will emerge on the next day,…

Technology Trends That Will Drive Increased Opportunity For African Start-ups In 2016

Technology Trends That Will Drive Increased Opportunity For African Start-ups In 2016

As 2016 gradually unfolds, first I would like to wish you a great success this year in all your endeavors and also take this time to share few insights around Technology Trends that will drive increased opportunity for African Start-ups in 2016.Certainly the year calls for more innovation in Africa. Innovation for any country or…