Adedeji Olowe is quickly establishing a global reputation as Africa’s open banking pioneer

Adedeji Olowe is quickly establishing a global reputation as Africa’s open banking pioneer

Despite the continent’s technologically savvy population, financial exclusion remains a problem. However, the challenge of regulatory influence and industry acclimatisation came with the launch of fintech startups. In 2018, a financial expert and tech investor thought it was difficult for fintech startups to integrate with banks — a necessary partnership for the former to successfully…

Open banking in Africa after COVID-19

Open banking in Africa after COVID-19

Open banking is a system where banks allow or authorize third parties, such as financial technology or fintech companies, to access their clients’ financial data to build applications or services. Anchored on providing better customer experiences, open banking in Africa has stirred a lot of interest, including banking apps with detailed analytics of finances, the…