How Animated Explainer Video Works For Your Mobile App

How Animated Explainer Video Works For Your Mobile App

In today’s digital era, mobile phones have become an essential part of our daily lives, with various types of mobile apps that help facilitate people’s needs. Hence, tech companies are launching many mobile applications due to the demand for innovative mobile apps. However, it doesn’t just stop there. After tech companies launch new mobile apps,…

3 trends that will transform African mobile apps in 2022

3 trends that will transform African mobile apps in 2022

In 2021, the mobile sector in Sub-Saharan Africa showed extraordinary resilience against the effects of Covid-19 and sustained rapid expansion. Digital solutions have been essential in assisting communities and organizations in transitioning to a mobile-first strategy to address the majority of the continent’s daily concerns, with fintech applications leading this increase. According to the Mobile…

Africans want their apps to be more useful to them

Africans want their apps to be more useful to them

Until recently, organizing a wedding or a sightseeing trip with family and friends in many African cities required the organizer to juggle multiple mobile apps. An app like WhatsApp would be required for announcements and logistics, while fundraising activities could take place on a money platform like M-pesa and rides to different venues could be…

2021 Mobile Technology Trends You Should Be Aware Of

2021 Mobile Technology Trends You Should Be Aware Of

Mobile apps keep changing and evolving every single day. It is so hard to keep up with customer demands since they are ever-increasing. However, app developers from around the world constantly improve used technology. According to Tech Surprise, the following mobile app technologies are going to be quite huge in 2020. This is why you should…