Is Loan Financing the best for Startups?

Is Loan Financing the best for Startups?

In setting up a business, various forms of resources are necessary to make the idea a successful one. Businesses require money, time, and human capital for growth. Unlike an established business with traction, startups are like the way they sound – starting from the scratch. This business process requires financing from different sources; both internal and…

Is public shaming by online lending platforms legal or criminal?- A legal perspective

Is public shaming by online lending platforms legal or criminal?- A legal perspective

Is public shaming by online lending platforms that gives loan a legal or criminal?- A legal perspective Written by Ejike Kanife Nigeria is a country with millions of people existing in abject lack. With an unemployment rate of 33.3%, the country has the second-highest rate on the global ranking. According to a Bloomberg report, about 23.5…