blockchain technology

Start-up leveraging blockchain technology to address the 331 billion working capital gap in Africa.

Making US$20k Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) with 1 full-time employee and two part-time co-founders: CEO working from overseas! Running a small software development company, we had our ‘breakthrough’ moment in 2019 when high-profile global bank awarded us a US$150k project. I needed to grow the team in order to meet the tight delivery timelines. With…

blockchain technology

How Crevatal is simplifying blockchain technology

One of the main reasons why most individuals avoid using blockchain or crypto platforms is because of the intricacies involved. Many people who have sought my assistance in starting their crypto adventure are put off by the complicated-looking platforms. While data from Chainalysis suggests that crypto use is fast expanding, studies from Triple A, a…

Unlocking the potential of blockchain technology
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Unlocking the potential of blockchain technology

Unlocking the potential of blockchain technology Written by Zach Winn Algorand uses a unique architecture developed by MIT Professor Silvio Micali to offer a decentralized, secure, and scalable blockchain. The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a country of around 50,000 people spread across more than 1,000 islands in a remote part of the Pacific…