5 women-focused bootcamps for young African women ready to delve into tech

5 women-focused bootcamps for young African women ready to delve into tech

The issue of women’s under-representation in technology is one that will continue to haunt the industry and provide meat for debate. And it isn’t only an African issue; women all across the world are trying to keep up with their male counterparts. According to Statista, just 9.8 percent of start-up founders in West Africa were…

FirstCheck Africa wants to invest $25,000 in your startup
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Are You a Woman In Tech? FirstCheck Africa wants to invest $25,000 in your startup

According to Adeva IT, as of 2018, women held only 25% of all the jobs in the tech industry, despite women making up almost half of the total workforce. It is a known fact that women are under-represented in the African tech ecosystem. More women need to find their way into tech in Africa and…