Glover emerges as Sub-Saharan Africa’s foremost digital asset marketplace

Nigerians and Africans in general have not fully embraced the gift card culture, a culture that is acceptable in other parts of the world, ensuring a thriving gift card industry. It’s easy to see why, given the numerous industry roadblocks in the way, one of which is the global no-refund policy on gift cards.
A solution was born in response to the global no-refund policy of gift cards, which discouraged many people from participating in the gift card culture. Glover saw the need to change this narrative by creating a solution for the African gift card ecosystem, the first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa, by connecting buyers and sellers of foreign and local gift cards.
Glover was founded as a fintech company in March 2021 with the goal of providing an online platform where value can be stored or exchanged for digital assets, thereby enabling the creation of a new asset class of individuals with access to financial opportunities, thereby deepening financial inclusion and expanding wealth in accordance with the SDG 2030 goals.
The tech brand is poised to improve Nigerians’ and Africans’ gifting culture as a lifestyle brand that promotes the ease, convenience, and security of financial transactions in the digital space. For good measure, they parade exciting financial services that meet their customers’ immediate lifestyle needs.
Services include the sale of gift cards, the payment of cable and electric bills, the exchange of perfect money, and the conversion of airtime to cash.
On the first day of operations, Glover built a platform enabling the seamless exchange of value within a fully integrated ecosystem to facilitate cashless transactions in line with global best practices; as a result, three major services were launched and introduced to the public: giftcards, refill, and airtime to cash, all pioneering innovations welcomed in our time and climate. The ease, flawlessness, and speed with which these services were provided quickly earned them the trust of customers, as well as a great deal of goodwill. In typical fashion, the brand outperformed expectations and quickly became known for its tagline, ‘Xchange For Value.’
But, never one to sit on its laurels, the brand has its sights set on more, with its sights set on delivering more for the customer and the tech industry. Coupled with skyrocketing expectations for its brand promise, the tech brand is unwavering in matching, if not exceeding, them. It has honed its vision and aspirations to something more robust, aspirational, and global, fueled by its desire to do more.
On the global tech stage, this is something that all Nigerians and Africans can be proud of. This, and many other factors, have influenced the brand’s decision to shift from its original narrative of being a place where value is exchanged to one where digital assets are stored and sold. Little wonder, the brand is unveiling its new tagline ‘Digital Assets Marketplace’ and archiving the old tagline ‘Xchange For Value’.
After recognizing Nigerians and Africans’ love for outdoor events and hangouts, the online platform is expanding its service offerings to include E-ticketing. This will greatly benefit event organizers by freeing up time and money spent on physical ticket sales, as well as eliminating unnecessary hassles in event organization.
Mr. Damilola Layode, CEO, stated that “people are looking more to the digital world beyond connectivity and communication.” As a brand that listens, we have chosen to always be one step ahead of the competition by aligning ourselves to meet the increased demand for digital assets as the world witnesses a new frontier in digital technology.”
Victor Monday, Chief Operating Officer (COO), also stated that “we are working to make our brand available across several countries, thereby bringing ease, speed, and convenience to financial transactions across the continent.” As a result, it only makes sense that we redefine the brand narrative to inform the public that we are here to meet their ever-increasing digital asset needs.”
This new brand narrative will align with Glover’s goal of expanding its footprint and service offerings, assisting in changing the way financial transactions are conducted on the continent. Glover officially launched in Ghana in December 2021 as part of its growth and expansion plans, with plans to expand to other African countries as soon as possible. Indeed, the tech brand is here to do more.