Explore Opportunities with your Mobile Content at the World Summit Awards Mobile 2012

Call for entries for the National selection process (for Nigeria) of the World Summit Awards Mobile (WSA),2012 will end on 30th April 2012.If you are a mobile content developer in Nigeria,this could be the opportunity you been waiting for to showcase your mobile application at the global level through the World Summit Awards Mobile contest.
The World Summit Award (WSA) is a global United Nations-World Summit on Information Society (UN-WSIS) bi-annual award. It selects the world’s best e-content and most innovative ICT applications, be it websites, apps or interactive installations. A network of National Experts, National Committees in over 160 countries serve to acquire high quality nominations for the international award. This way the WSA ensure a truly international choice of the best local contents. An international jury comes together for a multi-day-process to select the world’s best e-contents.
The five winners in each of the eight categories are presented and awarded at the World Summit Gala. The Gala takes place at a different location each year and is usually accompanied by a Winners’ Exhibition of the winning projects, as well as WSA Conference, where the most current developments and challenges of the field of e-content are discussed by renowned experts and the interested public.

For 2012 entries, the selection committee for Nigeria coordinated by Mr. Amos Emmanuel,the World Summit Eminent National Expert for Nigeria has released the following guidelines.
Contest rules
-The contest is open to any company, organization and individual active in the content industry and based in the “NATIONAL CONTEST COUNTRY”.
-There is no limitation regarding the platform of the applications.
– All entries have to be complete products and ready for the market. No drafts, demonstrations or unfinished prototypes are accepted.
-The release year of a project must be 2010, 2011 or 2012 for the WSA-mobile 2012; and 2011, 2012 or 2013 for the WSA 2013.
– Producer must have the copyright permission for any pictures, sound, content etc. used for the production of his application. Usage of all software should be legal.
– The interface of the products can be in any of the United Nations official languages. All producer and project information shall be in English.
– One product may be submitted only once for both awards (WSA and WSA-mobile). In case of multiple submissions by one organization, each product requires a separate registration.
– All materials submitted become the property of the organizers and will not be returned. One copy of each submitted product will be archived for the record. No commercial use of this archive may or will be made.
– Incomplete submissions and those not conforming to the WSA rules will be disqualified without any further notice. There is no possible legal recourse against such decisions.
– Along with the completion of the registration, participants in the Award accept the rules, guidelines and Award criteria governing the WORLD SUMMIT AWARD.
– Registration and submission of a product to the evaluation itself does in no way entitle it to any specific benefits. There is no possible legal recourse against the organizers.
-Submitters are held responsible for the smooth functioning of their products.
– All products from the winners list of the National Contest must be sent by the producers/contest organizers to the WSA Office in Salzburg, Austria. The WSA Office does not accept mailing and transport costs as well as the customs duty for any entry. All shipments are to be sent at the cost of the sender.
WSA-MOBILE Contest 2012 – Categories
1.m-Business & Commerce: Supporting m-Business processes and commercial transactions, including real-time travel bookings; creating new business in m-Commerce; offering customers convenient services and supporting SMBs in the marketplace; using mobile phones for buying, selling and banking, as well as for servicing customers and for collaborating with business partners
2.m-Government & Participation: Delivering mobile services in public administrations to individuals, businesses and organisations, in order to improve access to services; fostering quality and efficiency of information exchange and citizen centric transactions; strengthening the participation of individuals and groups.
3.m-Learning & Education:Serving the needs of learners to acquire knowledge and skills via mobile phone in a quickly changing world; transforming educational institutions through mobile learning resources; creating active m-Learning communities and solutions for corporate training, as well as life-long learning.
4.m-Entertainment & Lifestyle Sports, games, music, fashion and fun: supplying mobile entertainment products and services; entertaining the user with a range of innovative games by taking advantage of the properties of small, wearable devices; supporting interactive entertainment and fun; mobile content, services and accessories to enhance and excite the quality of life.
5.m-Tourism & Culture: Bringing cultural heritage to mobile platforms; demonstrating valuable cultural assets clearly and informatively, using state-of-the-art mobile technology; providing guides to the diversity of cultures, sites and objects, and all in a multilingual package. Enabling travellers to find attractions, to be informed and enlightened, to enjoy safe travel and have access to up to date travel information; enhancing intermodal use of public transport, supporting orientation in cities and countryside, allowing the hotel industry to address customers, providing new perspectives on the space around us; using maps and navigation-based contents.
6.m-Media & News Reporting the news using the mobile phone, crowd sourcing, citizen journalism, covering natural disasters, public campaigning, multimedia news, mobile media aggregation and search services; new forms of mobile video and m-TV, movies and current affairs.
7.m-Environment & Health Content and services to encourage sustainable models of living: smart use of mobile media to promote green energy; new mobile approaches to monitoring and reducing pollution; mobile portals and social media applications to encourage climate controls and holistic environment-friendly habits; client-centred models of health care, where stakeholders collaborate; mobile technologies to deliver health care and to meet the needs of citizens, patients, healthcare professionals and providers; epidemic and pandemic alert services; wellness and behavioral education.
8.m-Inclusion & Empowerment Measures to support integration within the global information society; bringing least developed regions and groups of society into the mobile information society; reducing the “digital divide” between technology-empowered and technology-excluded communities, such as groups in rural areas, women, senior citizens, disabled citizens and children; bridging society through mobile contents and applications, empowering citizens and stakeholders in public services.
How to enter for the contest
– Simply send your entries to [email protected] stating your title, last name, first name, state of Origin in Nigeria, email, telephone, product category, url of the product.
– When selected, your entry will be booked into the local database of WSA Nigeria after which you will be contacted via mails directing you on what to do should you win at the national selection exercise by the committee to accomplish requirements of the contest which include an objective process of judgment and according to the 8 categories and guidelines of the WSA
-Entry for Nigeria closes on 30th April, 2012.
Send all enquires to [email protected]