Am Going HD Krazy!

I decided to put together this writeup to help discerning entertainment consumers and aficionados make the best possible decision in modern video entertainment, actually my motivation stems from my costly adventures while trying to seek out the latest in HD entertainment. HD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray are some of the most common terminologies used by electronic manufacturers…

It’s Time To Listen To…… Emeagwali & One Million Nigerians (Part 1)

Time might be perceived, defined and configured as being relative. But, ironically the law of relatively is some kind of wisdom that spurs the mind and commands us to search the universe for better solution.  Such a phenomena challenges the thought process and requires in-dept observation – this critical mass that makes us to listen…

African Banks vs MNO: Same Road Different Destinations

For Millions of Africans that are still formally excluded from any formal financial services, how and where they get such services is of less importance to them, than getting the service. The Banks are still trying to lure people in through their gates by offering lots of Innovative services that can deliver value to customers…

The Law And The Use Of Computers In Nigeria

People are currently serving jail terms in the UK and the US because they infiltrated other people’s computers that they weren’t told to. Similarly in Nigeria, some people’s liberty is currently being restricted because they use the computer to make   phony deals online. In Microsoft vs.  Alexander Pononsov, a  Russian court passed a  verdict  of …

How To Position Your Business Online During Recession

The easiest and cost effective method of positioning your business for higher profit during this economic recession is getting it online. Like I explained in my book titled: How to Create Unlimited Internet Wealth, every idea has a place on the Internet, and every business should be online for higher profits. Bill Gates opined that,…

Book Review: How To Create Unlimited Internet Wealth

It must be said that the book-How to Create Unlimited Internet Wealth, is a very timely book, particularly in Africa’s most populous black nation,Nigeria.It comes at a time when the image of the country is continuously rubbished by the activities of internet fraudsters popularly called 419. The 90-page book set in 10 chapters and published…

Principles Of Online Business Success For Nigerians

These basic principles of online business are the bedrock on which a successful online business is built. Your success in online business simply lies in your ability to understand and follow these simple principles. Knowing and following the foundation and rudiment of the business helps you create internet wealth within a short period of time….

How Best To Do Affiliate Marketing In Nigeria

The bases of online marketing makes use of the known principles of marketing. The fad around town being the Foreign Exchange trading and Affiliate Marketing like the Getaway Club, Club Freedom and others are online businesses which most Nigerians have recently embraced even without knowing the fundamentals of online business.Most people who do not know…