Implementing Data Protection and Privacy in Africa

Implementing Data Protection and Privacy in Africa

Personal information can be defined as any piece of information that can be used to identify an individual. This not only constitutes obvious identifiers such as name, address , date of birth, credit card, national identity card number, it also includes health information, sexual preference, online activity, IP address, GPS location (The list goes on…..)….

Combating Computer Crime in Africa, Proposal for a Pan-African Cyber Crime Legal Framework -Part 3

Read part 1 Read part 2 Federal Information Security Management Act US (2002) FISMA requires federal agencies to develop, document, and implement agency wide programs to provide information security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by other agencies, contractors, and other…

Combating Computer Crime in Africa, Proposal for a Pan-African Cyber Crime Legal Framework -Part 2

Read Part 1 Here Data Protection and Privacy Laws Data Protection involves the protection of personal data, which covers both facts and opinions about an individual. It includes the implementation of administrative, technical and or physical measures to guard against unauthorized access to personally identifiable data. In Europe, Data Protection stems from legislative requirements such…

Combating Computer Crime in Africa, Proposal for a Pan-African Cyber Crime Legal Framework -Part 1

African countries are at various stages in their implementation of e-government and e-commerce environments.  This is being undertaken with a view to utilise technology not only to reduce costs, but also to save time and energy on activities that can be done using reduced human interaction. These initiatives while slightly behind in relation to time…

Nigerian Cyber Crime and Privacy Legislations, Time for Review(Part 2)

Privacy of Electronic Communications Directive (EU 2002) This Directive repeals the Telecommunications Data Protection Directive (97/66/EC) and lays certain obligations on telecommunications companies and service providers. One of the new developments of this Directive is that it extends controls on unsolicited direct marketing to all forms of electronic communications including unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE or…

Nigerian Cyber Crime and Privacy Legislations, Time for Review(Part 1)

Nigeria has been in the throes of implementing technology law and computer crime legislation for the best part of half a decade. Within this period, there have been two Bills drafted in an attempt to bring our laws up to date and in line with our counterparts in other parts of the globe. It is…

Data Protection Legislation for Nigeria, The Time is Now! (Part 2)

 Data Protection and Financial institutions  With the introduction of online services, financial institutions have made it more convenient for customers to access their accounts. It is to be noted however that prior to online accounts being created, customers need to provide these institutions with their personal information such that they can process, transmit and store…

Data Protection Legislation for Nigeria, The Time is Now (Part 1)

Over the last decade, identity theft has become one of the fastest growing global crimes. This can be attributed to a number of reasons: •       Huge margins for little effort and risk on the part of criminals •       Inadequate legislation or punishment to deter identity thieves •       Organisations not deploying appropriate security measures •       People…