Fishers or Phisers: A Warning for Internet Identity Thieves- Part 2

  There are two kinds of phishing: targeted and non-targeted. Non-targeted phishing is blind because it is broadcast to all Internet users. Targeted phishing on the other side of the coin, is broadcast to selected users which could be either staffs of a particular bank or health institution.   There are two ways phishers obtain…

Fishers or Phisers: A Warning for Internet Identity Thieves- Part 1

  Reminiscing about the tale of the two brothers who abandoned their fishing net by the Sea of Galilee to become the fishers of men, it comes to mind that men these days have abandoned their conscience to become phishers of passwords in the cyber ecosystem. In this regard, what is phishing? Who are phishers?…

Internet Bandwidth: A Key National Development-Part3

  Read part1 and 2 of the article.   According to Wikipedia, access to the Internet grew from an estimated 10 million people in 1993, to almost 40 million in 1995, to 670 million in 2002, and to 2.45 billion in 2011. With market saturation the phase of rapid growth is ending in…

Internet Bandwidth: A Key National Development (Part 2)

The internet is a packet switched network. In a lay man’s language it  means  if  you are sending a  picture from  one system to the  other via  the Internet, the picture  will burst  keeping in  mind that every piece  will be numbered before leaving the sending computer. When the picture  arrives at  the  receiving  computer,…

Internet Bandwidth: A Key National Development(Part1)

Three years ago when  I ask people in  my neighborhood in Nigeria how often they connect to  the  Internet, most replies  I got  from  people were:  ‘once a month’, and ‘twice  a month’. These days when I  ask  the same  question I  get  quite a  stunning  answer: “I  am permanently online”. Thanks to the emergence…

Trade Facilitation In Nigeria through Better Internet Payment Options (PART 2)

Let’s now look at  eCommerce in  a  bigger picture  by  comparing the  relationship between  these  groups  of  people: Nigerians in Diaspora Nigerians at home Foreigners in Nigeria Foreigners abroad In  the  Internet  marketplace, Nigerians  in Diaspora will  like  to  shop  for  their  relatives  at home  while still abroad. Also  foreigners in Nigeria will like  to …

Trade Facilitation In Nigeria through Better Internet Payment Options

There are two kinds of countries in the world, those that are fully integrated into the Internet marketplace and those that are not. Humankind  now  rests  on a new  economy where  a   bottle  of  milk  is  just  a  mouse  click  away. Ecommerce   will  allow  us  to  search  for  a  product online in our  locality, giving …

Profit Maximization Through Internet Marketing(2)

Search Engine Optimization is the art of raising the profile of a Web site legitimately to increase your site’s visibility, and to do that you definitely require the services of consulting firms that are into Internet marketing. If you own a Web site, for instance, about African dishes, your site’s Google ranking will improve as…

Profit Maximization Through Internet Marketing(1)

Internet marketing also known as digital marketing, web marketing, online marketing, or e-marketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing ties together the creative and technical aspects of the Internet, including design, development, advertising, and sales.  Internet marketing also refers to the placement of media along many different stages of…

Cybercafe Ventures: Why they fail

In the late nineties, cybercafé business used to be a very lucrative business with lots of abnormal profits. The market became contestable and lots of entrepreneurs entered     and exploited the abnormal profit and then it became a normal profit venture. Put   together 10-20 systems in a strategic location like a campus environment, with a dependable…

The Law And The Use Of Computers In Nigeria

People are currently serving jail terms in the UK and the US because they infiltrated other people’s computers that they weren’t told to. Similarly in Nigeria, some people’s liberty is currently being restricted because they use the computer to make   phony deals online. In Microsoft vs.  Alexander Pononsov, a  Russian court passed a  verdict  of …