How Mobile Apps Are Becoming an Ideal Platform for Startups

Smartphones have opened up the floodgates for startup enthusiasts by providing business platform at competitive investment. This breed of smart entrepreneurs are redefining the word ‘business’ by cashing on the rich mobile technology fused with application development for business solutions.
Consider this startup statistics in past two years as quoted by Kauffman Index “the 2015 Index represents the largest year-over-year increase in the last two decades”. This surely is a new era of startups and with increasing accessibility of smartphones the figures are bound to rise gradually.
Further Kauffman Index notices “310 out of 100,000 adults, or 0.31 percent, started new businesses each month, on average. In the 2014 Index, the average was 0.28 percent of the adult population”.
Not only new startups are emerging but there are good number of rebound entrepreneurs who are entering the market with the advent of m-commerce businesses.
One of the major game changer over here is developing mobile app for the business services with an intention to offer creative solution to the prevalent problem. The biggest advantage of availing service through mobile apps is its affordability.
Mobile application development has broadened the pathways of business functionality by offering mobility of business services in most affordable way. Therefore one can easily observe stark rise in the startups focusing on providing services through mobile apps.
The reason behind such significant startup trend is increase in seed capital along with robustness offered by technological development. Take a closer look at this decade of startups in U.S on the basis of investment deployment.
The reason for increase in startups focusing on mobile apps are plenty while here are few of the hot reason why entrepreneurs are depending on innovative mobile technology for their startups
Ease of access
Business was never this easily approachable till now. Thanks to mobile apps, you can have your business in customer’s pockets. With innovative mobile app development it is easy to reside in user’s pocket and make business available to users all the time. Here enterprise can tap on the mobility factor offered by mobile apps which helps business keep connected with prospective customers all the time.
Business interactivity
Well, to be honest, business offerings are always available to for prospective consumers 24X7, 365 days. This shop never closes. There is a significant growth in customer involvement with business through mobile apps. The technology driven business services offers maximum interactivity with customers all the time, every day. By ensuring dynamic business activity regardless to time and space, the probability of generating business opportunity is all time high.
Backend Data Informatics
Gone are the days of maintaining customer logbook and managing paper logistics. With the advent of mobile technology business sales are driven by user interactivity which in turn creates a backend database. The database is available digitally along with the analytic options which helps improving business decision at every stage.
The availability of analytic option strengthens the decision making process by keeping business operators well informed about customer traffic. This surely gives cushion to startups by allowing time and resources for bettering the service offerings.
Digital Branding Platform
Mobile apps are beautiful way to interact with customers and prospective customers who collaboratively creates branding platform though active involvement. This way the branding elements like company logo, design, color and other visual aspects are injected in the memory of users.
For any startups, it is utmost important to create a brand and thereafter creating brand identity. Mobile app offers cumulative digital platform for business branding which can ultimately aid startups for raising funds at a later stage of evolution.
Cost effective business solution
Mobile app development offers cost effective business solutions for startups by broadening the horizons of business reach through technology. These technological advancement in mobile industry has really made it easy to launch business at small level and gauge audience before expansion.
Mobile app services built on the basis of business solutions offered by startups are really cost effective if compared to traditional brick and mortar business startup. Also what matters here is the ever increasing business reach and user interactivity on regular basis.
True, Startups are blooming all over the world with rapid pace but aiding force for these startups is mobile app development. Indeed, it is a boon for the startups which really puts forward the envelope from business end to offer comprehensive global solutions over a single platform of ‘mobile application’.
Plenty of successful startups are already following the ‘app only’ strategy for bringing entire gamut of business under one roof for everyone. Also, there are startups which gives discounts and offers on app use.
This is because it drives the revenue from one source and of course maintaining mobile application is relatively cheaper than web application. Startups are also focusing on the conversion rate as mobile app have relative lower conversion rates than desktop site. Therefore, by enhancing UX conversion rate of app driven business can be increased in longer run.
Author:Shahid Abbasi is a marketing consultant with Peerbits, a one of the renowned android app development companies and the home of app enthusiasts. Shahid likes to keep busy with his team, and to provide top-notch mobility solutions for enterprises and startups.